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Pharmacy Profession or Business?

  • 15 Aug 2021
  • 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Online via Zoom
  • 88


  • Non-subscribed

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Do you get confused as to how best you should run your pharmacy business? How should you strike a balance between the profession and the business?

To get some answers to these questions, please join us and listen to one of our finest and experienced community pharmacists reveal  inside tips for both business and professional success for community pharmacy.  Among the topics you will listen to include:

  • The Pharmacy NHS contract
  • Pharmacy services
  • Maximising profitability
  • Marketing your pharmacy
  • The online angle - marketing, sales and social media.
  • Effective management of the pharmacy and staff
  • Effective networking

         The event will help you improve your knowledge and understanding  in running              a pharmacy business professionally and professionally.

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