We have also included recently qualified pharmacists to provide insight into the challenges that trainee pharmacists face during the foundation year and after registration. Our question writers are required to undergo relevant continual professional development (CPD) to ensure that the questions they write are accurate, up to date with guidance and in line with the GPhC framework. |
B Pharm Hons (Zimbabwe), MSc (Cardiff), MRPharmS, ILM level 7 Senior Executive Coach, Independent Prescriber and Designated Prescribing Practitioner. Luso is the founder and CEO at Focus Pre-Reg Revision. He has over 20 years' experience as a community pharmacist around South Wales, holding various positions including relief pharmacist, store based pharmacist, pharmacist manager, locum pharmacist and independent prescriber. He holds various post graduate qualifications including an MSc in Community Pharmacy, Certificates in Advanced Leadership and Education and Training from Health Education & Improvement Wales ( HEIW) formerly WCPPE. He is a Pre-Reg Lead at the Chemist and Druggist (C + D) and an active mentor at the Royal Pharmaceutical Society and UK Black Pharmacist Association. |
Company House Registration No: 06464581
Information Commissioner Registration No: ZA573214
Email: focuspreregrevision@gmail.com
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